Understanding and Treating Thoughts of Suicide

by | Feb 20, 2015 | Healthcare

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Teenagers face a variety of challenges on a daily basis, both at school and at home. Sometimes finding the right path in life can be difficult, and the wrong path may lead you into the dark forest of drug and alcohol abuse. Regardless of the issues you may be facing, there is help. If you are in or around Chicago IL you can get treatment from a facility that has experience in helping others like you.

Risk Factors for Teen Suicide
Every person is a unique individual, and we all handle certain stresses differently. There are some possible factors that may contribute to suicides or attempts and while they may vary by age and gender or ethnic group some of the factors include:

• Depression. This is a somewhat common illness faced by teens and may be caused from stresses in school or at home. Severe depression can make the victim of depression feel that the world would be better off without them, or they may decide they simply do not want to go on feeling the way they do.
• Substance abuse. Serious alcohol and drug abuse can lead a person to do things they would never consider doing otherwise. Bad decisions are made which can change, or even end, lives.
• Family violence. Being the victim of physical or sexual abuse inside the home can lead a person to some drastic actions including turning to drugs, becoming violent or attempting suicide.
• Access to firearms. Having guns in the home could enable a depressed or abused person to move from just thoughts, to an actual attempt to take their own life.

Noticing the Signs
There may be a variety of signs a person could exhibit before attempting to take their own life, as a friend or family member you should take these seriously and contact a medical professional immediately. There are treatments available that can help them move past this dark time in their life. If your friend or loved one starts talking about dying or mentioning the family would be better off without them, get help. If they say they feel trapped or hopeless, how there is nothing to live for or start showing extreme mood swings, consider this a red flag. Being compassionate with them and letting them know there are many things to live for can also help in easing these feelings. There are treatments available, whether they are depressed or facing other issues they are not alone and the thoughts and feelings of hopelessness can be erased.

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