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Paint a Professional Edge Using Blue Painters Tape

If you are a professional painter or just like to paint your walls, then you probably know about blue painters tape. It is one of the most popular types of tape manufactured. It was originally created for professional painters to use for outdoor painting jobs because...

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When to Use a High Density Foam Paint Roller

When to Use a High Density Foam Paint Roller

There are various times when the use of a high density foam paint roller is ideal. The type of paint roller used in any application really does matter. The way it holds onto paint as well as how easily it releases the paint on the surface will define the quality of...

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How to Invest in Paint Rollers for Smooth Finish

How to Invest in Paint Rollers for Smooth Finish

Today’s consumer continues to look for the most effective and highest quality product possible. As a retailer or a contractor trying to deliver that, it is essential to have the right products and materials necessary to create these types of results. What do you need...

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