The Advantages Of cPanel VPS Hosting

by | Apr 11, 2018 | hosting

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Businesses of all sizes, from small businesses with an ecommerce base to large websites with an extensive website presence can benefit from the use of a VPS hosting program. VPS or Virtual Private Server hosting allows the business to have dedicated resources which are not shared with other users on the server.

This feature allows for greater customization of security and programming on the VPS. It also provides a consistent, top quality end-user experience, whether those users are customers making purchases or the need for staff to access and work with stored data.

There are different ways for a business to access and work with the VPS hosting program. One of the most intuitive to use is the cPanel. A cPanel VPS hosting plan is an excellent starting point for most businesses and will continue to fulfill the needs of the administrator as the website and business grows and expands.

Easy Use Features

With the ease of use of cPanel VPS hosting, controlling the server and working on and with the website or websites hosted on the virtual server is very similar to working with familiar graphic user interfaces. Every aspect of the server is controlled through a graphic icon as well as easy to find tools.


Another important factor with cPanel VPS hosting is the elevated levels of security possible through the system. This means the hosting company or service will maintain basic security for the server, but the VPS user will be able to customize and to add to the security to suit their specific needs. Keep in mind; the hosting service will also update and secure the cPanel itself, eliminating the need for the administrator to manage this additional task.

Additionally, with no shared components, the actions of the other virtual servers do not impact or create a risk for any other VPS hosted on the same server. They are virtual machines without any shared components as found with shared services.


Through a secure login to the cPanel, administrators will be able to manage all website and system functions. This includes monitoring the system, setting up emails, installing programs and apps, developing websites, backing up website and uploading and downloading of files.

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