Tips For Selecting A Web Tension Control System

by | Jan 11, 2018 | Machinery and Tools

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A tensioning system is an essential part of many different types of industries including in paper production, coatings, film, steel and other types of materials. Turning to a web tension control system that offers the top features and the durability and reliability you need will be important, but so will considering all the other factors and features that will be instrumental in your application.

It can be more than a bit confusing when comparing different options in web tension control system designs and features. It is also not uncommon to get caught up in focusing on the options and forget to ensure the basic requirements of the system are met.

To help with this issue, with an emphasis on finding a system that works best for a particular application, there are a few considerations that should be made and understood before making a purchase.

Problems with Existing System

For an existing system that already has a tension control load cell and transducer in place, consider the benefits and the problems with the current system. While all components will eventually need to be replaced with wear and tear, did your current system have a long-life cycle? Were there performance issues or high levels of maintenance required on the system?

Make a note of any issues that you have experienced. This will provide you with a guideline for questions to ask when talking to different manufacturers.

Mounting Options Required

Not all web tension control system load cells and components are designed for mounting on all types of surfaces and from all angles. It will be critical to understand the mounting requirements for your equipment. If there is more than one position possible, which is the best option for ease in working on the system as well as for maintenance and visual checks of the components as needed.

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