Choosing the Right Hardfacing Rods and Methods

by | Jan 30, 2017 | Metal

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In many industries today, hardfacing or hard surfacing is common practice. It can restore many parts and enhance their performance too. But which hardfacing rods are best to use? Let’s check out the practice a little closer to help you determine the best course of action.

Is Hard Surfacing the Best Option?

In some cases, you may be better off replacing worn parts. If this is the case, you could be wasting both time and money with your hard surfacing efforts. First, determine the cost for resurfacing and don’t forget to include labor. Compare this cost with buying and installing a new part. Also, do not forget to include some of the benefits hard surfacing can provide, such as:

* Operating costs can be lowered

* Reduced downtime

* Cheaper option than replacement (usually)

* Extend work life

Choosing Hardfacing Rods

There are three issues to consider when choosing hard surfacing rods:

* Base metal

* Wear factor

* Welding procedure

Base Metal

The kind of material your part is made from determines rod selection. Manganese alloy steel can be a good choice for repairing cracks and filling in large surface areas. For low alloy steel, carbon steel may be best.


Wear is the most important factor when choosing hardfacing rods. For metal to metal contact with little lubrication, carbide is a good choice. However, if you need to keep costs down, manganese steel may work. During service, manganese may work harden and provide increased protection.

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