How A Wine Store Can Appeal To Older And Younger Customers

by | Apr 11, 2016 | Wine Store

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Although there are plenty of regular wine drinkers of all ages, there is a distinct generation gap between Baby Boomers and Millennials. They have different drinking patterns and tastes, and they demand different price points. Consequently, a Wine Store needs to take these factors into consideration in order to appeal to a wide range of customers.

Baby Boomers still comprise the majority of wine consumers in the U.S., and their tastes align with traditional wine marketing practices. These wine drinkers are more likely to purchase wines with a complex flavor, and they prize the more prestigious brands. Older drinkers are more likely to be connoisseurs, acquiring knowledge about different varieties of grapes and their growing regions, or the affects of climate on a crop in a given year. They may have a more sophisticated vocabulary to describe the taste qualities and appearance of wine, and they may attend wine tastings. Boomers are willing to pay a lot more for what they consider being a good bottle of wine than younger consumers are.

Millennials are much less concerned with the prestige of a brand or the fine distinctions among grape varieties that motivate the choices of older drinkers. Younger drinkers reject what they see as pretentiousness. They are more interested in finding wines that appeal to their personal tastes, which often include lighter and sweeter wines than those preferred by Boomers. They like new experiences, so they are willing to try new blends, unfamiliar brands, and creative packaging styles, rather than sticking to the familiar wines their elders have been loyal to. Another consideration for younger consumers is the environmental impact of wine. They are more attracted to wines that are organic or eco-friendly.

Younger wine consumers either can’t or won’t pay an exorbitant price for a bottle of wine; their peers are not impressed by the cost of a bottle. In general, Millennials prefer to spend around $10 for a bottle of wine, or up to $20 for a special occasion. A Wine Store needs to consider how it stocks its shelves in order to accommodate its changing customer base. Get more information about wines at

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