Who Should Visit The Foot Doctor Regularly?

by | Sep 12, 2016 | Health

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A Foot Doctor, more commonly known as a podiatrist, may only see some people in the event of an injury or accident. Crush injuries, sports injuries, and sprained ankles will send people, with no prior foot or ankle problems, to the specialist for care. In those cases, the treatment can range from exercise, ice, and elevation for sprains; to surgery, prosthesis, or amputation for severe injuries. Medications, ultrasound treatments, and physical therapy can fall somewhere in between those extremes. Treatments vary, depending on the extent of the injury, and the current health and strength of the patient. Once healed, people may never have to make another appointment, or return periodically for follow up care.

There are some people who should visit the Foot Doctor on a regular basis to have feet examined, for advanced wound care, continued treatments of chronic conditions, or to prevent major complications from diseases. People with poor circulation, for example, are at high risk for wounds, pressure points, and infections to develop. Lack of oxygen to the lower extremities leaves them vulnerable to infection, sores, fungus, and ulceration. Poor circulation means pain or tingling may not be felt by people, so they may not realize there is anything wrong. Inspections and examinations on a quarterly basis can make a big difference in avoiding major complications. That is also true for people with diabetes. Reduced sensation in the toes and feet, swelling of the ankles, and excess pressure on the feet can cause many issues.

People who are on their feet for long periods at a time should also see a podiatrist at least annually. The feet take the full weight of the body, and absorb all the shock of walking, standing, and running. Persistent heel pain, arthritis, edema, and deformities can develop. Corrective treatments can help prevent further damage, or alleviate excessive pain. Extra corporeal shock wave treatments, for example, can be completed for people who suffer from prolonged plantar fasciitis, or heel pain, and have not responded well to traditional treatments. The non-invasive procedure lasts about thirty minutes, with the patient under mild sedation. Sonic waves are directed at the area of pain. There is a very short recovery time, and most patients experience relief from symptoms. Those interested can go to website for more information, and to set up an initial appointment. You can also follow them on Twitter for more updates.

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