What Are the Key Elements of Responsive Website Design?

by | Sep 21, 2017 | web design

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With the flexible and variable methods that the masses have to access the internet, it has never been more important to have an equally responsive website design in Danville IL. In order for your well-designed site to send good vibes to everyone who visits, you need it to be able to adapt to any size of screen or viewing device. Here are just a few elements to consider.

A Flexible Grid System

The first necessity to a responsive website design is a grid system, upon which your content will flow. The horizontal rows and vertical columns act as the skeleton, upon which you will build your reactive site. When a wider screen views your site, the site can allow columns to expand out horizontally into additional vertical columns. However, when a smartphone accesses your column, it will contract into a single column, which will allow the smartphone to view it without any problems.

Easy to Use Navigation that Flows with the Grid

The second element easily follows from the first. Regardless of the viewing method, you site will have varied content that is spread across different sections of the site. In order to reach these areas, the viewers will need a reliable method of navigating. Whether this is a bar across the top, or a vertical strip, it should be the same all across the website, and on any device that views it as well.

Columned Content that Follows the Movement of the Grid

With the grid in place, you will then fill up the site with your content; text, images, logos, banners, and the like. However, keep in mind that any number of screen sizes may be viewing your content, and as such, your content may become jumbled or cluttered if you do not organize it into convenient columns and set priorities as to what will appear in which order.

Maintain the Principles of Design, Regardless of Viewing Format

Another critical element that you must keep in mind is this: never compromise the elements of good design to fit your content into a space. Remember that you need sufficient white space around text and images, so that they do not cram together in a mess. White space does not necessarily need to be white, but it must remain free of text and images so that the reader has to put forth only the minimal effort to focus on your message. In addition, use good judgment in aligning and grouping the text and images, or the visuals will turn your readers off before they even read what you are trying to tell them.

There is a lot that goes into a successful responsive web design. For help understanding the principles behind it, and in mastering the design of your own site, consult with an experienced and creative web design professional.

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