The Role of Pediatric Patients in Neuropsychology

by | Dec 14, 2017 | Psychotherapist

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When you hear the term “neuropsychology”, it probably doesn’t bring much to mind that reminds you of children. However, the science and study of the brain’s development and its effect on the rest of our lives is very much one tied to pediatric patients, as they offer a glimpse into the brain in its early, formative years. Children’s neuropsychology has also developed a strong reputation for helping students, parents and teachers cope with learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders and more. There is more than just a place for children in this fascinating science; they are truly its backbone.

How Children Help Neuropsychologists

Pediatric patients allow doctors a peek at the human brain while it is still in development. In a sense, neuropsychology helps us to understand why we do the things we do, from the inside, out. Studying it from a patient’s youngest years means doctors and researchers can follow brains throughout their development, and recognize patterns and potential instigators of specific behaviors and disorders. One day, this kind of study could lead to cures and coping skills we never dreamed possible.

How Neuropsychologists Help Children

There are many disorders and disabilities that children’s neuropsychology has helped to identify, treat and destigmatize over the last few decades. What’s more, children whose families seek this sort of evaluation for their children typically receive services that help their child both in school and at home. Giving the parents of an autistic child the means to help make life less stressful and more enjoyable for their child while also teaching families dealing with learning disabilities like ADHD how to help their children succeed in school is all in a day’s work for a pediatric neuropsychologist.

If your child could benefit from this one-on-one, full brain evaluation, consider contacting New Jersey neuropsychologist Dr. Joshua Shifrin. This office’s knowledgeable staff can answer your questions and help you and your child get on the road toward a better, more fulfilling life – from the inside, out. You can pay a visit to Facebook page for more information.

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