The Complexity of Septic Tanks Removal

by | Feb 14, 2017 | Septic System Service

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Removing a septic tank can be a complicated procedure that requires advanced equipment and expertise. Emptying has to take place first to determine the condition of the tank. The land has to be dug up, and the tank has to be secured with chains. Once that is completed, it is lifted out of the ground by a crane, and hauled off on a flatbed truck. If the tank is damaged, it may have to be removed in pieces. That adds time and difficulty to the task. Those in need of Septic Tanks Removal should seek a company with decades of experience to ensure the job is completed properly.

There are many reasons for removal of a tank. An old tank may not have the capacity to suit the needs of the property. If a large home is converted into apartments, for example, more toilets, showers, and sinks will be added, as well as washing machines and dishwashers. A tank designed to accommodate one family will not be large enough to accommodate multiple families. A factory being renovated into separate offices for multiple companies is another example of a situation where the existing tank will not suit the needs. It is possible to empty the tank more frequently, but replacing the tank for a larger one may be a more cost-effective solution.

Another reason for Septic Tanks Removal is severe damage to the existing tank. Most damage to that degree is the result of lack of maintenance. When a tank is not emptied and cleaned on a regular basis, it can leak, corrode, and crack. Blockages will cause overflowing of the tank or may cause backups into the home. The tank may rupture in weak spots, leaking sewage into the ground. That makes the procedure expensive, time-consuming, and messy. Occupants will have to vacate the building, environmental cleaning has to take place, and a new drain field may have to be established before a new tank can be installed.

Avoiding severe damage is easy and cost-effective. Some tanks can be left for two years before cleaning is required, but most require annual emptying and cleaning. A technician can assess the capacity of the tank along with the usage to determine how often a tank should be cleaned.

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