Reliability, confidentiality and definite delivery times are essential ingredients for any choice of couriers charged with providing legal support services in Orange County. Do you send all your business to one courier or should you send it to several, depending upon your specific requirements?
Is Price Important?
You may choose to use one courier for most your work and another specific courier for all your legal support services in Orange County. You may have chosen the latter because it is more important that the documents and packages arrive within a certain period, whereas the first courier might deliver in 5 to 7 working days, which may suit your circumstances. The difference between the two arrangements might simply be the price charged to you. Where there is not a rush for your documents to be delivered, you might go for the cheapest possible alternative, but be prepared to pay the most to guarantee urgent and exact deliveries.
Conversely, you may decide to have one company as your named courier so that you can organize a better overall discount because they’re dealing with all your requirements. They may be able to provide a combination of urgent deliveries for your legal support services in Orange County, while delivering your less urgent packages over a different timescale.
When you choose to operate with just one expert courier, you will both learn extensively about the other’s business and can react in a manner that you understand, because of your experience of dealing with each other regularly, in the past.
When one courier understands that all your business will be at risk with them if they fail to stay as reliable and deal with your urgent demands, they will move with extra focus, where necessary, to ensure that you are treated as a VIP business when a difficulty arises. You will know that they care sufficiently to do everything possible to guarantee that your documents and packages are delivered perfectly on time, every time.