Restaurant, Vehicle and Industrial Automatic Fire Suppression Systems in IL

by | Apr 30, 2018 | Safety Equipment Supplies

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Unfortunately, fires can start and grow very large, very quickly, in some of the most unexpected places. However, it is common to expect the possibility of a restaurant fire. These types of fires require preemptive action in order to have proper fire suppression in place. Cooking appliances have the potential to start a kitchen fire or facilitate the occurrence of a fire in a building’s duct system that could destroy the entire property. These fires can be combated effectively through automatic fire suppression systems. IL businesses in the food service industry can increase their fire safety capabilities with these systems installed.

As well, fires can occur in motor vehicles and in various types of industrial facilities. It is vitally important to have fire suppression systems in place that combat these potential conflagrations.

Let’s look at these types of fire suppression systems below:

Restaurant Fire Suppression

A quality fire protection company can offer fire suppression solutions to its customers that provide reliable protection for their staff and patrons. Quality fire suppression systems can protect various aspects of a commercial kitchen, including plenums, docs, hoods, and cooking supplies. Some solutions available include fastest detection, dependable alarm activation, fuel supply cutoff, and wet chemical discharge.

Vehicle Fire Suppression

Automatic fire suppression systems for vehicles are the pre-engineered fixed nozzle type of systems that are applicable to be used with mobile materials handling equipment. This includes equipment used in industries such as forestry, construction, mining, agriculture, and transportation. The dry chemical used in vehicle fire suppression systems is useful to protect the following fire hazards:

* Class A (solids)

* Class B (liquids)

* Class C (electrical)

The dry chemical is used to protect such areas as the transmission, engine, operator station, and hydraulics.

This type of system can be dispensed manually through a remote actuator, a dashboard, or automatically using control detection devices.

Industrial Fire Suppression

Unfortunately, very expensive losses occur in productivity, facilities, equipment and industrial facilities. Effective automatic fire suppression systems can help prevent or lessen the severity of most of these fires. The dry chemical fire suppressant used in these automatic systems can effectively combat Class A, B, and C hazards through the application of directed discharge or total flooding.

An experienced fire equipment company can provide you with fire suppression system installation and other services you need.

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