Common Design Mistakes With Business Cards Printing In Chicago

by | Mar 16, 2016 | Printing

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Whether you are designing your own business cards, printing with a professional printer, or allowing the printer to handle a new design as well as the printing, getting the perfect card is critical. Every professional in Chicago needs to have a quality business card that sets them apart and makes their business something that stands out.

Unfortunately, with self-designed or even professionally designed business cards, printing is only as good as the design itself. A poor design, even on a beautifully printed business card, is not going to look professional. However, with well-designed business cards printing is really the extra feature that just brings the card to a new level of style.

Wrong Fonts and Colors

Everyone has the right to choose their own colors and fonts for business cards. Printing those colors and fonts all on the same card is not always going to result in a card that looks professional, classic and sends the message you want.

Generally, it is advisable to use one font on any business card. You can choose different sizes or different emphasis elements on the font, but more than one font tends to look messy and confusing, particularly if it is close together on the card.

Color also need to be carefully considered both for branding purposes as well as how they go together on business cards. Printing too much color on a card decreases the ability for key elements of the card to stand out, and it makes the card look cluttered and busy.

Fonts and color also have to be carefully considered for easy readability and contract. The very ornate or calligraphy types of fonts are elegant and classic, but they are also confusing to read and can look overwhelming on a small business card space.

Use of Space

One of the new trends in business cards is printing on both sides of the card. This provides a bit more key information about the business to the customer, or it can include more specific branding types of logos, statements, key products or other important takeaways for people you meet to remember your business.

With business cards, printing and designing really do go hand in hand. Working with a company that produces top quality business cards to incorporate your ideas and create a great first impression is a real benefit to any Chicago professional and one that will continue to be important throughout the years.

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