Increase Your Understanding of the DUI Law in Burley ID

by | May 31, 2017 | Lawyers and Law Firm

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As with every state in the Union, Idaho has recently begun cracking down on DUI offenders in the hopes individuals will make safer choices when they have been drinking. Unfortunately, mistakes are often made, and individuals end up breaking the law because they are not able to think clearly after consuming too much alcohol. It is imperative individuals understand the DUI Law in Burley ID so they can know what to expect should they be caught behind the wheel while intoxicated.

Most people are surprised to learn they could end up serving jail time for a first offense. The state of Idaho has the following penalties for first-time offenders.

* Up to six months of jail time
* License suspension from 90 to 180 days
* Up to $1000 in fines

If a person makes the mistake of being caught with a second offense, they will face these possible penalties.

* From 10 days to 1 year of jail time
* License suspension for up to a year
* Up to $2000 in fines

Third offenses result in even greater penalties, which include:

* 30 days to 5 years of jail time
* License suspension from 1 to 5 years
* Up to $5000 in penalties

It is important to note that individuals who have been found guilty of second and third offenses will be required by DUI Law in Burley ID to have an ignition interlock device installed on their vehicle. This requires them to perform a breathalyzer test before the engine can be started.

It is important for all individuals to know what their BAC level must be before charges are filed.

* Those under 21 years of age who have a BAC level of .02% are considered driving while intoxicated.
* Individuals who are over the age of 21 with a BAC level of .08% can be arrested for DUI.
* Those who have a commercial driver’s license will be charged with a DUI if their BAC level is .04%.

If you have been charged with a DUI in the state of Idaho and would like legal help, you can find more information when you call to schedule a consultation appointment. A lawyer can give you peace of mind as you defend your charges.

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