An accident lawyer in Fair Oaks, CA can help clients with some of the more complicated issues in injury cases. For example, an insurer may be willing to pay for medical expenses and ongoing therapy, but may dispute that it should pay any amount for lost wages if the individual was unemployed when the accident occurred. In some instances, unemployed persons can justifiably receive compensation for lost wages, however.
A Guarantee of Upcoming Employment
An unemployed person who had been offered a job but had not started yet at the time of the accident can still receive compensation for lost wages. If the case were to proceed to court, a judge or jury would likely determine that the plaintiff would have made a certain amount of income after starting this job, but could not do so because of the accident.
Somewhat similarly, a person who had been temporarily laid off and expected to be called back could justifiably receive settlement money for lost wages. Unemployment compensation will no longer apply if the person is unable to work full-time because of the injury.
Reasonable Expectations of Upcoming Employment
An individual who was out of work for any reason but was actively applying and interviewing may deserve compensation for lost wages now that working full-time is not possible at least for the near future. An accident lawyer in Fair Oaks, CA will show the insurer the person’s work history, confirming that previous full-time employment is listed. Documentation of applications, interviews and offers that were not accepted for sound reasons will be important as well. It may not even matter if the person had been out of work for quite some time.
Self-Employment Income
Since self-employment income is rarely guaranteed, an insurer may dispute whether an injured person deserves compensation for that lost income. A law firm such as Sevey Donahue & Talcott will use the person’s income figures over a certain time frame to determine what the income would have been were it not for the injury. A judge or jury would most likely agree with this stance. Visit website to learn how to schedule a free initial consultation.