How Much Do Disability Lawyers Charge?

by | Dec 8, 2017 | Lawyers

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Unlike many other lawyers, disability lawyers do not charge upfront fees nor do they require a retainer once they have heard your case and agreed to represent you. Disability lawyers in Oak Ridge are paid once you are granted disability benefits. This arrangement is called a contingency fee.

The agreement:

Once you have discussed your claim with the disability lawyers and they agree to take your case, you will be asked to sign a “fee agreement.” This agreement gives the Social Security Administration the authority to pay your lawyers should they win your case and your claim is approved. The agreement is passed to the SSA for their review to ensure that it meets all the guidelines.

What fee can you expect to pay for legal representation?

The fee that disability lawyers can charge is set by the federal government. The fee is capped at 25 percent of the back pay you are eventually awarded or $6,000, whichever is the least. The fee is payable once your case has been won, it is paid out of back pay benefits only. If you lose your case or no back pay is awarded, you do not owe anything to your lawyers other than their out of pocket expenses.

In most cases, the legal fee is paid directly by the Social Security Administration directly to your disability lawyers in Oak Ridge. The balance of your back pay along with all subsequent monthly payments is to your account.

Out of pocket expenses:

During your claim action, chances are your lawyers will incur expenses on your behalf. Things such as up to date medical reports, the gathering of work records, etc. usually will be paid for by your lawyers. These costs are not included in the legal fee; they must be paid for directly whether you win your case or not.

Disability lawyers in Oak Ridge can make the difference between winning your claim for disability and losing your case. For a free evaluation of your case, contact the Law Offices of Miller & Drozdowski, P.C.

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