The Basics of Obtaining Commercial Trucking Insurance for Over-the-Road Driving

by | Nov 9, 2015 | Insurance

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In an average year, a lone over-the-road truck driver can travel a hundred thousand miles or more. Tasked with safely guiding a machine weighing tens of thousands of pounds over the nation’s roads and highways, a commercial truck driver undoubtedly bears a heavy responsibility. Most truck drivers rank among the safest of all on the roads in terms of accidents per mile driven, but the fact is that the danger of doing harm is ever present.

That can make it difficult to line up commercial trucking Insurance even though this is an absolute requirement of life as a truck driver. Drivers who are employed by others will typically rely on the businesses they work for to arrange for this, although even then it can be challenging. Because of the associated costs and difficulties, most companies that employ commercial drivers today will themselves provide for the most basic level of insurance, making use of existing insurers for additional coverage as needed.

For independent truck drivers, things can be even more challenging. Many new truck drivers have dreams of setting out on their own from the start, but this can prove to be almost impossible. Even newer drivers who own their own trucks often find that insurers will be unwilling to cover them until they have several years of accident-free experience, almost necessitating working for others from the beginning.

Once a driver is established, though, the path tends to become somewhat clearer. A driver with a few hundred thousand miles of service without any associated accidents will normally find that insurers will be willing to offer their services, although rates can even then be fairly high.

As can be seen through insurance rate calculators at sites like and others, the best way of lowering rates is to build up an even more impressive driving record. Drivers who put in five hundred thousand or more miles without a major accident or ticket will often pay rates a fraction of those asked of the newest members of the industry.

Those few drivers who go millions of miles or more without troubles can expect to pay even less. Although commercial trucking Insurance can seem expensive at first, safe, attentive driving will inevitably make it less so.

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