Preparation Work for Building

by | Nov 24, 2014 | Fence Contractor

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A Fence in Little Rock AR is a independent structure used to enclose an area. It’s used to keep people and animals from leaving or entering an area. This structure can be made from various materials including wood, iron, and plastic. Before you construct a fence in your yard, there are some guidelines to follow to ensure proper preparation.


Before you build a fence, make sure you know the boundaries of your property. Even if you are close friends with your neighbors, situations can arise where you may not be amicable in the future. Only build on your property unless you have a signed contract with your neighbor. This may entail using the services of a lawyer. When you buy a new home, you will usually be given a diagram showing your exact property boundaries. If you did not get this, get in touch with the person you purchased your home from. Even if the diagram is decades old, it still holds legal stature. You can also visit your local tax office or local building office to find out about property boundaries. Simply put, when constructing a fence, ensure that you know what you are legally entitled to build on.


Prior to any work commencing, it’s advisable to know where your utility lines are. This includes your main water line and other utility components. You can cause major damage to your property if you break into your main water line. If you don’t know where these structures are, contact your local utility companies. They may have services that include pinpointing areas you can’t build on. If you break a gas line, you can cause dangerous gases to enter the atmosphere. This is a hazard to you, people that will have to fix the gas line, and your neighbors. Mark these areas with a colored flag and put signs so you don’t forget where these structures are.


Open communication with your neighbors is a positive way to let them know there may be noise during construction of your fence. Also, when measuring the perimeter of the area you want to enclose, take measurements twice to prevent errors. Doing this will help prepare to build a fence in a safe and efficient manner.

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