The qualifications for Social Security Benefits can be different, depending on the state in which you live. Social Security benefits in Washington DC are determined in the same manner benefits are determined in each state. If you live in Washington DC, you must meet the qualifications that have been set forth by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Following are some points the SSA looks at to determine who in Washington DC is eligible for disability benefits
Work Status
One of the main factors the SSA looks at when determining eligibility for disability benefits is the work status of the applicant. Anyone looking to receive disability benefits may make no more than $1,090 per month, and you have to have worked for a job from which you paid into the Social Security system.
The SSA will also want evidence of the severity of your condition. For your condition to be considered a disability, it must interfere with your ability to perform your job. Before you apply for disability benefits, be ready to prove you are unable to do your job as a direct result of your condition.
Your Condition
The SSA only grants disability benefits to people who suffer from specified conditions. Although the list of conditions is long, it is not exhaustive. While some conditions are so severe they are automatically granted disability, other conditions must be considered carefully before the SSA will make a determining decision.
Your Ability to do your Job
Since disability benefits are meant to replace income that is lost due to the inability to perform your job, you are only eligible for benefits if you can no longer perform the duties your job requires. The SSA will ask for evidence that shows you are physically or mentally incapable of completing the requirements of your job as a direct result of your condition.
Your Ability to do another Job
If you can show proof that you are no longer able to complete the duties of your job, the SSA will ask you if you can fit into a different role. The SSA will look at determining factors such as age, education, past work experience, and transferable skills to determine if there is another job for which you are suited. If the SSA determines you can fit into another job, your claim will most likely be denied. So, you must prove there is no position you can transfer into to be eligible for benefits.
There is no set formula for qualifying for Social Security disability benefits in Washington DC. One of the best ways to increase your chances of qualifying for benefits is to work with a local disability lawyer. If you think you are eligible for disability benefits, contact a local Washington DC disability lawyer today.