What to Do About a Honey Bee Swarm in Dublin, OH

by | Jan 30, 2017 | Animal Removal

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When most property owners think about honey bees, they probably imagine a singular bee buzzing happily along or perched on a flower in an idyllic garden. The image may elicit fond memories or, perhaps, an increased appreciation for the wonders of nature. When one, or even a few, honey bees appear unbidden on a property, it is generally not a cause for concern. However, it’s worth noting that a Honey Bee Swarm in Dublin OH can be quite frightening. This is particularly true for those who are allergic to bees and whose safety can be seriously compromised by even one sting.

A swarm, or cluster, of bees, does not usually indicate the immediate proximity of an existing bee hive. Honey bees, like many other species, usually send out scouts prior to choosing a new home. A cluster of bees about the size of a football hovering or flying around aimlessly may just be passing through on its way to scout out a new location for a hive. Once they find one, the rest of the colony will migrate to the new hive. This can very quickly escalate into a serious problem if the chosen location is near a residential home.

Once a new hive has been established, the bees will no longer appear in seemingly aimless, wandering swarms. They will appear to have a purpose. If no one in the household is allergic to bees, it’s probably worth waiting to see whether or not a Honey Bee Swarm in Dublin OH is likely to choose a nearby location. If they do, call a bee specialist immediately. The problem can only escalate from there.

Those who are allergic to bees may not want to wait and see. They will likely find it is worth calling in an expert to evaluate the situation to avoid any threat to personal safety. Once the colony has been removed, there are typically still a few bees lingering around. These residual bees are not a cause for concern. Simply avoid them, and they’ll likely leave of their own accord once the rest of the hive is gone. Find more information about honey bee removal and residential wildlife control today.

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