Tips For Last Minute Checks Before The Arrival Of Local Movers In Inverness

by | Mar 13, 2018 | Moving

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The day of a move is always a bit chaotic, but with a few simple strategies, anyone moving in Inverness can be fully prepared for when the local movers arrive. Even though it is easier to make a return trip, if necessary, for short distance moves, it is still a good idea to ensure that everything is ready to go to make moving day easy and stress-free.

Check all the Rooms

The morning of the moving day, take another trip through the home. The rooms should be empty of everything except large furniture items and boxes, so it will be easy to make sure nothing has been overlooked.

Be sure to check in any closets, drawers, cabinets, and cupboards. Check to make sure any shelving units or storage areas are packed and have not been forgotten or overlooked.

Check the Fridge and Laundry Area

Two areas that are often missed in the last-minute check before the local movers arrive are the fridge and the laundry room. Make sure all food items are out of the fridge, and it has been unplugged or turned off if the power is to be disconnected. Follow all manufacturers recommendations if the fridge is to be left unused for a period of time.

Check for clothing that may be left behind in the washer or dryer. It can be very easy to forget about this in a rush to get ready.

Confine Pets and Talk to Kids

The local movers will really appreciate it when pets are confined to crates or put outside or in a closed room while they are moving. If the pets are in a room and the door closed, place a sign on the door to alert the movers not to open.

In Inverness, planning a move doesn’t have to be difficult. Use the tip sheets and checklists provided by your movers to make things easy.

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