Tips for Extending the Lifespan of Residential Roofing in Joplin, MO

by | Jun 8, 2018 | Roofing

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A home’s roof is its first defense against the elements, and as such, it has been designed to last. Unfortunately, if Residential Roofing in Joplin MO is not provided with adequate maintenance, it can dramatically shorten its expected lifespan. While no residential roof can last forever, there are a few things that homeowners can do to ensure that they do not have to pay for premature reroofing due to lack of maintenance.

Clean Gutters Regularly

Clogged gutters can wind up causing a good deal of issues with a home. One of these issues is water back up on the roof. When gutters become clogged with leaves and other debris, they can overflow and cause water to seep underneath the home’s shingles, causing substantial harm to its roof’s structure and leading, over time, to the need for premature roof replacement.

Trim Overhanging Tree Branches

Most homeowners probably realize that falling tree branches can pose a serious threat to their roofs, but they may not notice the smaller forms of damage that occur due to abrasion from nearby limbs. Even if the tree’s limbs do not seem to pose an immediate threat of falling in a storm, it’s always a good idea to keep them trimmed back to at least ten feet away from the home’s roof. This will help to avoid both abrasion and the potential for more serious storm damage.

Perform Frequent Inspections

Most professionals suggest that homeowners hire a contractor to inspect their residential roofing in Joplin MO at least once a year. That doesn’t mean that homeowners should spend the rest of those 12 months ignoring their roofs completely, though. Instead, perform a general inspection every few months to check for damaged or missing shingles.

Have Minor Problems Repaired Immediately

A few missing or damaged shingles in a localized area of the roof won’t be very expensive to replace, but if they’re ignored for too long, they can wind up leading to more substantial damage. It’s a good idea to call in a contractor to perform repairs as soon as any damage becomes apparent to avoid the need for a far more costly full roof replacement further down the line. Browse our website to learn more about one company that can help or call to schedule an appointment today.

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