For the longest time, addiction has been treated as an embarrassment. People suffering from such an affliction were often shunned, usually by their own families, due to shame. Today, greater understanding has been given to people suffering from addiction with the help of new research, when it comes to treatment and proper approach to help people cope and recover.
The presence of more forward thinking rehabilitation facilities, such as the Westlake Village Rehab, has been a welcome addition to aiding and helping build a kinder world for those who need it the most.
For families and friends who may have people dear to their hearts, but do not know where to start in seeking help, here is a guide as to how to begin the path to recovery:
1. Begin with helping, not judging, in mind.
Everyone falls off the wagon of life at some point, only some people take the fall harder than others. In approaching an addiction patient, it is important to stop judging the person for their trespasses and start talking to them as to how their actions are affecting their wellbeing and the wellbeing of others.
It is important too, for them to be reminded that they are loved and to provide them with the reassurance that they are not alone on this journey. In most cases, those who have been successful in recovery are those whose families also underwent the steps with their loved one. Increasingly, studies show that environmental factors also contribute to the recovery of those suffering from addiction.
Trust is a cornerstone when it comes to dealing with the situation, and the more an addict feels safe in his or her surroundings, and the people around him or her, the more they can be open to treatment and help.
2. Get to the source
Taking away the trigger is not just ineffective; it is also creating a dangerous precedent to an addict to be more agitated and lean towards their addictions for comfort.
Centers such as the Westlake Village Rehab espouse their own 12-step personalized and specialized program. They mix traditional and cutting edge integrated treatment modalities for a more long-term recovery. They get to the source such as depression, psychiatric personality disorders, or anxiety to help the person further. The gift of having a step program is that no stone is left unturned. It takes a deep look into what the person needs with respect to the depth of the addiction versus a rushed program that simply forces the person to change without the context of a holistic approach.
3. Go for holistic treatments in a well-maintained facility with the right people for the job
Westlake village rehab also takes into consideration the health and well-being of the person with addiction plus their daily lifestyle to see where the addiction comes in and where it stops. Their specialized doctors look as far as the daily imbalances and life struggles that the person undergoes and from there, prepares a personalized step treatment program.
A visit to the facility and a discussion with the owners or the doctors is a good practice to gauge if it’s a place whose surroundings and core values would resonate with the person who needs help.