Steps to Overcome Trauma

by | Jul 16, 2015 | Health

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In psychology, trauma refers to the damage that is experienced due an extremely distressing event. Trauma can happen due to several factors such as being in an accident, experiencing a natural disaster, falling victim to terrorism or being abused sexually, emotionally or physically. Trauma Centre in Oakland helps one in overcoming trauma by preventing symptoms like re-experiencing (flashbacks and nightmares), avoidance (avoiding people and places after the traumatic experience) and hyper arousal (feeling jumpy). Following are some essential steps, which a person should consider to overcome trauma.

Differentiating Between Normal and Abnormal Reactions
It may feel that you are losing control after the traumatic experience, but most of the times, it is post traumatic stress symptoms.

Talking About it
It is very important that an individual talks about his or her feelings, thoughts, and emotions that are upsetting them.

Resume Old Activities
It is highly recommended that an individual should indulge their normal day activities and daily routine in order to normalize themselves. The sooner one returns to the old routine, the more the normalcy returns back in life.

Care for Yourself
Remember that you are in the recovery phase. Get proper rest, eat healthy, and don’t forget to do light exercise. Other than this, do things that make you happy; be it reading, taking leisurely walks, or doing artwork.

Be Aware Of Your Emotional Triggers
If you feel that you are re-experiencing the trauma and having flashbacks by engaging in a similar activity, or going to a similar place or simply by listening, seeing or feeling something that reminds you of the trauma, then try to avoid it for a while. If these feelings have persisted for too long then remember that self talk is a powerful tool. Keep telling yourself that whatever happened is a thing of past and you are okay now.

Don’t Feel Like a Victim. Be a Survivor
Try to find a deeper meaning in what happened to you. Feeling like a victim will only give birth to feeling of hopelessness and helplessness and might lead one to depression. Instead, appreciate the fact that you survived the experience and that you are alive. Try to see what you have learned from your experience. Talk about it to your family, friends or therapist. If you are still not ready for it and feel overwhelmed then write whatever you feel in a journal.

Get Therapy
It is very important that you seek therapy from a professional psychologist who specializes in trauma. People who feel depressed, anxious or experiencing post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and have been avoiding their every day routine will greatly benefit from professional help.

Be Patient
Remember, it takes time to heal. You need to be patient with yourself and appreciate the progress that you are making.

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