Trees provide beneficial shade and oxygen. Although they can be beautiful to look at, they require maintenance throughout each year in order to remain healthy. An Arborist is a professional who can diagnose problems with trees and provide treatment options that will help trees grow to be tall and healthy. Pests often live on trees and can damage leaves, branches and trunks. If pests aren’t eliminated quickly, an infestation can grow larger and kill a tree.
An Arborist will identify the type of pest that is present and will administer products that are effective, but that won’t harm a tree further or cause danger to a homeowner or any of their family members. Pesticides can be sprayed directly on trees or small holes can be drilled in the base of each tree’s trunk and pesticides can be added to them. Once a pest problem has been resolved, appointments can be set up in the future to have trees inspected.
A tree specialist can assist with pruning branches so that healthy growth is promoted. Long branches that cover the top of a tree can prevent other parts of a tree from receiving enough sunlight, resulting in dried leaves and wilting branches. Limbs that are growing close to electrical wires or a home will be removed so that damage to a piece of property does not occur. If an individual would like to eliminate some trees from their property, they can set up an appointment to have their property inspected. A quote will be provided for the removal of each tree.
Once trees are removed from a yard, lumber will be hauled away. Stumps can also be removed from a piece of property if they are destroying the beauty of a piece of property or if they are in the middle of a yard. Once stumps have been eliminated by Timberline Tree Service or another tree specialist, land will be cleared and grass seed, bushes, or new trees can be planted in the empty sections. Soon, a piece of property will have a uniform appearance that can be appreciated whenever time is spent outdoors. You can also like them on Facebook.