Restore That Failing Foundation Using Concrete Slab Jacking

by | Jan 30, 2016 | Foundation Repair

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Sometimes, a home is almost like a living being. When something fails in one location, the problem or its symptoms can spread. Consider the case of the failing foundation. A fault in the foundation can lead to shear or stress in other areas. This stress can then spread and cause walls to shift, doors to jamb or windows to stick. Signs of stress can also show as cracks between bricks or blocks and separation between the walls. The solution for this problem is foundation repair. However, the real question is, which foundation repair? Piers and piles can require a lot of effort to place them properly and tend to be expensive. Thankfully, Concrete Slab Jacking can help resolve many foundation problems.

Slab jacking works by forcing hydraulic cement into the void under the foundation. This actually solves multiple problems. The first is that the concrete will fill the open space. This prevents the home from sliding back down. Second, the hydraulic cement is under enough pressure that it raises the building and alleviates the stress in the foundation. The method for slab jacking is fairly simple, but setting things up can be a little tough. The contractor first needs to locate the cause of the failure before deciding the best way to approach the fault. Normally, Concrete Slab Jacking comes at the problem from outside the building, but this may depend on where the void is found.

There are many causes for foundation failure such as faulty soil compaction and liquefaction. The latter occurs when the soil has become so waterlogged that it cannot support any weight. Water problems can come from several sources including a high water table, leaks in the plumbing or poorly draining soil. Another possibility is that rain water is washing away the foundation’s support structure. This particular problem often occurs when the gutters have failed. For instance, if one side of the gutters is dumping most of the excess rain in one spot, then the soil could be mixed into the runoff. Plus, much of the water is left to saturate the soil and compound the situation.

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