Pain in the joints or bones is not something to take lightly. In most cases, what starts out as a minor discomfort will bloom into something much more intense. When any type of joint issue or a bone problem develops, it pays to seek out the services of an Orthopedic Surgeon in Panama City FL as quickly as possible. Here are some examples of situations that call for immediate attention.
Pain That Does Not Go Away
Anyone can overdo it from time to time and trigger some temporary inflammation in the joints. Typically, the pain will subside after a couple of days. When the pain is still present and seems to be getting worse after a week, the time has come to seek help from a professional. Depending on the findings of the examination, a referral to an orthopedic surgeon in Panama City FL area will be in order.
Swelling and Inflammation Around a Joint
When an elbow, knee, or other joint becomes inflamed and does not respond well to basic home remedies, something serious is developing. Before the swelling can get any worse, arrange to see a medical professional. Depending on the severity of the swelling and what the tests indicate, there may be the need to undergo some type of surgery. Keep in mind that once the procedure is done and the recuperative period ends, the joint will work just as well as it did in years past.
Problems with the Arms or Hands
In the past, picking something up and carrying it around was not a problem. Now, it seems that anything heavier than a jug of milk is impossible to manage. Attempting to lift and carry anything triggers shooting pains in the arm. To make things worse, gripping heavier objects has also become more difficult. Rather than write it off as a result of the passing years, seek medical help at once. There is a good chance that the right procedure would reverse the problem.
For anyone who is in pain, call and arrange to see an orthopedic surgeon as quickly as possible. In many instances, the underlying cause can be identified quickly, and the right type of surgery will increase mobility along with easing the discomfort.