Let Your Customers and Employees Out of Voice Jail

by | Jan 20, 2017 | Telecommunications

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Customer satisfaction is based in the customer experience. However, when it comes to call centers, a lot of companies drop the ball. For whatever reason your customers contacting you, they need to be two things – simple and effective. They need to call in and get whatever situation is at hand handled in a courteous and prompt manner. When you talk to your customers do they sound relaxed and confident, or stressed and annoyed? You can transform the customer experience simply by upgrading your call center automation capabilities.


Anyone who has ever had to deal with any situation in modern life from tracking a lost package to dealing with the health care system has spent time punching buttons, listening to hold music, and trying out different pronunciations on an auto attendant. Frustrated customers will do anything to get away from the grating sound of string music and the repeated phrase, “Please continue to hold, your call is very important to us and will be answered in the order in which it was received.” Why not use technology to make your call center automation an experience that cements the customer/provider relationship?

Hold that Turnover

One of the biggest factors in call-center employee turnover is the stress of dealing with angry and frustrated customers. These customers may be perfectly wonderful people, but regrettably they tend to unload their emotional baggage on the call-center agent, this can result in stress, depression, anxiety, and ultimately the agent looking for a less stressful job. If that situation could be defused before it reached your Level 1 personnel, you would see an improvement in morale, productivity and retain more of the employees that the company has worked so hard to train. With just a few simple changes, both call-center employees and clients would be much happier, less stressed, and more inclined to continue with the company.

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