When getting ready for an initial consultation with an Accident Lawyer in Carrollton GA, there are many things the prospective client should know. Those pieces of knowledge will help make the consultation more effective and allow the time to be used in an optimal way. The lawyer will be able to evaluate whether the case is a good one and explain the reasons why.
One of the most important components the injured person must provide is medical records relating to the accident. It will be extremely difficult for an accident lawyer in Carrollton GA to begin working on a case if the person has not yet sought a medical diagnosis and treatment. It’s relatively common for someone to feel fine at first after an accident but to begin feeling significant pain and other symptoms within a week or two. Toughing it out and simply hoping the symptoms will go away is inadvisable, especially if the person wants to make a claim for financial compensation. It’s not too late to seek medical advice. Doctors know that pain, dizziness, weakness, and other symptoms do not always occur immediately following an accident.
Making a list of remembered details of the accident will also help the lawyer evaluate the case. The person might carry a small notebook and add details as they bubble up into memory. If this individual knows witnesses who were at the scene, their names may be provided to the lawyer.
In addition, the attorney will want to know whether the prospective client ever experienced an injury or symptoms like this in the past. The insurer responsible for paying a claim may investigate the individual’s medical history and decide a previous condition is still the main problem now.
An attorney with a firm such as Daniel M. Barnes and Associates needs to have all that information beforehand so there’s no blindsiding by the opposing side once negotiations begin. Being honest about accident details, current symptoms, and prior medical history is crucial. The insurer’s investigation is likely to uncover any false information the injured person has provided, which will definitively undermine the case.