Are you preparing to graduate high school and want to obtain a successful career? Perhaps you are ready to make a career change and want to work in the dental industry. If so, the solution for you can be gaining the education and training required to be a dental assistant. As an assistant, your duties will be to interact with the patients and assist dentists in various common procedures. In addition to assisting with various procedures, you will be required to perform office duties such as scheduling appointments, billing, and answering questions of potential or current patients. To accomplish this, it is important to find the right dental assistant course in Jacksonville, FL so you can begin a rewarding career.
Factors to Consider when Selecting a School
- How long has the institute that offers the dental assistant course been operating? You want to select an established school that has a high success rate of students getting a job after completing the program.
- How long is the program? Some institutes provide the core subjects that students can complete within a matter of weeks, while other schools require students to attend school for a year or longer.
- What type of setting does the school provide? An institute that offers an office setting can provide the hands-on training required to successfully complete the course.
- What is the tuition for attending the school and the payment options available to help you gain a rewarding career?
Start the Road to a Rewarding Career Today!
Bartram Dental Assisting School offers a 120-hour program that takes place inside an office setting to help their students gain the training and education they require. Each student works closely with highly trained dentists and assistants so they can become successful dental professionals.