Defining Requirements With A Separation Lawyer In Bethlehem, PA

by | Jun 21, 2017 | Lawyers and Law Firm

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In Pennsylvania, couples who aren’t sure if they are ready for divorce to consider the benefits of a legal separation. It is through a legal separation that the couples acquire all the same rights as a divorce except the ability to marry someone else. The following is a review to define all the requirements of this action with a Separation Lawyer in Bethlehem PA.

Who Lives in the Marital Home?

The separation agreement defines what party retains access to the marital home. Typically, the parent that acquires custody of the child lives in the marital home during this time. However, some couples may split time with the children inside the marital home. They could utilize an alternate schedule that allows each party to live in the home every other week.

Child Support and Custody Arrangements

The couple must come to an agreement about child custody and support arrangements. A legal separation isn’t the same as a divorce. The court won’t step in and render a decision during a court date. They must determine where and with who the child will live. They must identify a value for the support payments.

Spousal Support Payments

If either party cannot maintain the lifestyle they had throughout the marriage, the other party could pay them spousal support payments. Since this isn’t a divorce, the parties aren’t required to provide offer these payments unless they both agree to them in the separation agreement.

Ownership and Access to Marital Assets

The couple must create a plan for the division of marital property. This includes all monetary assets, real property, automobiles, and personal effects. They must add all marital assets in the separation agreement. They must follow the same guidelines as they would in a divorce case. However, since they are still married, they must provide access to certain assets through their agreement.

In Pennsylvania, couples agree to a legal separation when they aren’t sure if they want a divorce. This separation allows them to explore the possibilities of a divorce. These agreements can be used in a divorce case. Couples who need to review these legal actions to contact a Separation Lawyer in Bethlehem PA or Meet Conrad Attorneys today.

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