Contact Auto Accident Lawyers in Taunton for Legal Guidance After a Wreck

by | Oct 7, 2015 | Lawyers

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After the sounds of crunching metal and breaking glass occur, the shock suddenly begins to mask the feelings of pain a person is feeling just after they have been involved in a car accident. Shock can often hide the pain of broken bones and internal injuries, making for a dangerous situation. When a person has been seriously injured in an accident, they need to seek medical treatment right away. To protect their rights and interests, it behooves them to also seek guidance from Auto Accident Lawyers Taunton.

Through the help of Auto Accident Lawyers Taunton, an injured person can learn more about their rights and gain a true perspective on what they can expect from the pursuit of a claim for compensation. The lawyer will look to the recounting of the accident as told by the victim and will gather any evidence that will help to determine how strong the case will be. If the attorney decides to take on a case, the injured party will sign a retainer agreement and provide the necessary information the attorney will need for developing a case against the responsible party.

There are a few different methods an attorney will use to pursue a case. The attorney will first contact any insurance companies that are working on the claim to determine what information they will require to begin processing the claim. The attorney will assist a client in understanding how to deal with any correspondence or requests for information so the injured party is fully prepared and can avoid unnecessary issues from arising.

In some cases, insurance companies are not always fair when it comes to settlement offers. Generally, insurance adjusters are going to offer amounts that are lower than what the attorney may be seeking for a client. If the attorney is not happy with the amount being offered, a trial can be pursued.

Serious injuries require serious legal representation. Contact The Law Office of Bruce S. Raphel PC and allow them to help. They work with car accident victims to help them receive the just amount of compensation they deserve for their measurable damages.

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