Common Questions About Social Security Disability In OK

by | Feb 26, 2018 | Law & Legal

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In Oklahoma, supplemental security income programs assist disabled individuals who have never worked. The individual must have an eligible mental or physical condition to qualify for the benefits. An application is filed along with comprehensive medical records to obtain the benefits. A local attorney helps disabled individuals who need answers about Social Security Disability in OK.

What Provisions are Required for Minor Claimants?

The parent of a disabled minor must set up a checking or savings account in the child’s name. The parent is listed as the trustee on the account. It is the parent’s responsibility to manage the claimant’s account. All details about the account are provided to the Social Security Administration for regular deposits.

How are Monthly Payments Determined?

The monthly disability payments for minor claims are determined according to their household income. The parents provide information about their income and how often they are paid. Any checking or savings accounts owned by the parents are reported to the Social Security Administration. Any income beyond the maximum value for their household size is deducted from the claimant’s monthly payments.

How Much are the Monthly Payments for SSI?

The federal government provides $710 per month to disabled individuals through SSI programs. The state of Oklahoma provides an additional and supplemental payment of $42. The payments are sent out on the 1st of every month. Claimants who have their payments deposited directly into their checking or savings accounts receive their payments around midnight on the 1st.

What Payments aren’t Considered Income?

Income tax refunds aren’t taxable income and aren’t counted against the claimant. It doesn’t matter how much the family receives in earned income credit or how much they overpaid during the year. The family doesn’t have to report the value to the Social Security Administration.

In Oklahoma, supplemental security income programs offer benefits for children and adults with qualifying conditions. The Social Security Administration evaluates the condition to determine if the claimant is eligible for benefits. The programs provide payments on the first of every month. Claimants who need additional information about Social Security Disability in OK visit and speak to an attorney now.

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