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Reasons To Consider Virtual Sales Managers

Reasons To Consider Virtual Sales Managers

A manager is necessary for almost every business, as they can be relied upon to ensure that the team is doing what they’re supposed to do. They can answer questions, offer advice, and so much more. However, some companies have come to realize that the traditional...

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3 Benefits of Hand Dryers

3 Benefits of Hand Dryers

When it comes to hygiene in public restrooms, there is an ongoing debate about hand dryers versus paper towels. Business owners have a tough time determining which route to take. The first issue that tends to come up is whether or not it’s more cost effective to have...

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Why all managers need conflict resolution skills

If you’re a manager, you already know how difficult it can be to deal with all of your employees. Differing personalities, seniority issues, productivity problems, and a negative overall environment can be emotionally and physically draining for everyone in the...

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