Athletes know the benefits of receiving a massage to relieve stress and reduce pain after physical activity, but many have felt the added benefit of getting a massage before they work out or compete. People who participate in regular workout regimes can also overwork their muscles and contribute to stress fractures. Incorporating a Sport massage in Honolulu HI, can significantly reduce injury to overworked muscles and joints and promote quicker healing times when someone does suffer an injury. Stretching has always been recommended for any physical activity because stretching circulates the blood and allows muscles to loosen up to keep injuries to a minimum.
Sports massage before a competition works on the same principle, focusing on the muscles and promoting blood flow based on the type of exercises a person will be doing. Therapeutic massage before any strenuous activity relieves tension and releases dopamines and serotonin to help athletes focus. The release of these hormones reduces cortisol, a hormone released when the body experiences stress. Reducing stress allows total focus on the task being performed and improved concentration minimizes the risk of injury.
Working with a therapist who provides Sport massage in Honolulu HI at least twice a month can significantly improve both the mental and physical training. Massage therapy can be considered preventative care when done regularly to improve performance, allowing the reduction of stress injuries and other types of damage associated with demanding physical activity. Athletes are not the only ones who benefit from massage therapy, as anyone can reap the rewards of having a deep tissue massage done on a regular basis. Massage therapy can reduce stress levels for anyone, whether they work out or just have demanding lifestyles.
Thai-Issan Therapeutic Massage offers a broad range of massage options to help relieve stress from everyday life and keep people living their active lifestyles. Incorporating a massage therapy session into any routine can reduce stress and lower cortisol levels. Controlling cortisol levels can decrease an individual’s risk of heart disease, and cortisol is also considered as a factor in increasing in abdominal fat, which can be hard to get rid of with regular exercise alone. Visit their website to view the various types of massages they offer or to schedule a session with one of their massage therapists.