Diesel trucks are designed to be tough to haul their loads. However, one of their most vulnerable components resides in the filter. The filter actually takes a lot of abuse from the road. Over time, the filter becomes clogged. When that happens, the engine can no longer perform at peak efficiency. These are a few indications it is time to get it cleaned.
A sputtering engine with a failed start can be an indication to call for a Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner in Anaheim CA. Diesel engines need adequate air flow to fuel the combustion system. Once the air filter becomes clogged, the soot may back up into the engine. This may prevent the engine from being able to start properly. This can cause a delay in deliveries which results in the potential for lost income.
Decreased mileage after a fill-up may indicate a bad batch of fuel has gotten into the tank. Bad batches contain a lot of sludge and particulates. Once it hits the filter, it becomes trapped. As more and more of these contaminants are added, the filter will become completely clogged. At some point, this will start affecting how the engine operates. This may result in higher readings in the gauges indicating the engine is in trouble.
A loss of power is another sign to call in a Diesel Particulate Filter Cleaner in Anaheim CA. There are some roads where power is an essential thing to rely on. If the truck no longer has the juice to make it up a steep hill, it may be the fault of the filter. This is especially true if the truck has made it up before under the same load conditions. A lack of power can really hamper the truck’s performance and delays can result if a new route has to be used.
A clean filter is essential to a truck’s engine. Without it, the truck’s performance at carrying a load is diminished. Because the filter is so important, regular cleanings are needed to keep the truck running at its top performance.
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