All disability lawyers work on a contingency basis, they do not charge any up-front or hourly fees nor do they ask for an initial retainer. As they take the case based on contingency the disability lawyer in Knox County gets paid when you do, they must win the case before they are paid.
How does the arrangement work?
Once you have discussed your case with the lawyer and he or she has agreed to be your representative you will be asked to sign a fee agreement. This agreement gives the Social Security Administration the authority to pay your lawyer upon approval of your claim.
How much does the lawyer charge?
The legal fee that your lawyer can charge is capped by law, the fee is limited to 25 percent of your past due benefits up to a maximum of $6000. The attorneys fee is paid only from the past due benefits, often referred to as “back pay.”
As you agreed with the Administration that they could pay your disability lawyer in Knox County direct, you will not be involved. The Administration will calculate the amount, deduct it from your back pay, forward it to the lawyer and forward the balance to you. There are no further payments to be paid; you get your monthly benefit in full.
What is “back pay?”
The back pay you will receive includes any retroactive benefits that date back from the date of your application being approved to the date that Social Security agreed that your disability started with a maximum of 12 months.
If, for example, your back pay is calculated by the Administration to be $10,000, the attorney would get 25 Percent of it which equates to $2500; you will receive the other $7500. During the time the lawyer is working on your case there is normally certain out-of-pocket expenses that are made; these expenses are over and above the fee. It would be rare for these out-of-pocket expenses to amount to more than two or three hundred dollars. Visit Law Office of Miller Drozdowski at for more information. We are also on