Questions to Ask Prior to Getting Crowns in Salem, OR

by | Mar 21, 2016 | Dentist

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Crowns in Salem OR, are considered to be one of the most common restorations people require for their teeth. One of the most common questions that patients have is in regard to whether the crown is really necessary. In most cases, this is because a crown can cost several hundred dollars.

The reason that crowns are recommended so frequently is because they are usually the best option to extend the tooth’s life. However, there are options when the tooth can be treated, and the need for a crown can be delayed. It is important to ask certain questions prior to having a dentist place crowns in Salem OR.

Why is the crown needed?

If it hurts when biting, it is quite possible that a tooth has become cracked. If the tooth is cracked, this is considered a serious condition and will typically require the placement of a crown. However, it is important to make sure that the tooth is completely cracked and not just crazed. A craze line is not harmful and will not require the placement of a crown. If a patient is ever unsure about whether or not the suggestion of a dentist to place a crown is correct, they should seek a second opinion.

Are there any other options?

While a crown is a common option for oral issues, it is not always the only option. In some cases, the dentist will be able to place a filling. However, this will not prevent a person from needing a crown down the road. Also, if a large amount of the tooth needs to be filled, the easier solution is to go with a crown since the fillings will not provide the same level of protection that crowns do. Also, if the filling is too large, it can cause the tooth to completely break, which cannot be undone.

Take some time to get to know why a crown is necessary. If additional questions are had by a patient, they can contact the staff from Riverfront Dental LLC for information and help. This will ensure they get the treatment they need for proper oral health throughout life.

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