A defective steam trap can cost you a great deal of money. Therefore, it is to your benefit to have testing implemented to prevent wasteful expenditures. By using the services of a professional auditor, you can identify any steam traps that are reducing your bottom line.
A Better Use of Energy
An auditor who provides steam trap testing does not sell the equipment. Instead, he or she is focused on investigating waste. By identifying defects in steam trap technology, businesses can make the appropriate changes – changes that will reflect well on their energy usage in the long run.
When steam trap testing is performed, the auditor provides all the needed information on an Excel report. This spreadsheet information can help a manager quickly decide on how corrections will be made.
Spreadsheet Data
Some of the featured data includes the following:
* The location of the steam trap
* The steam trap manufacturer
* The model number for the device
* The size of the trap
* The pressure reading for the trap
* The service performed on the trap
* The condition of the fixture
* The estimated amount of money lost annually
Types of Steam Traps
When steam trap testing is performed, it can be initiated on one of several types of traps. Steam traps that are used are classified as either thermostatic steam traps, mechanical steam traps, or thermodynamic steam trap designs. The thermodynamic trap has gained the most notice under the category of steam trap waste.
Schedule a Test and Experience Better Operational Efficiency
Quantifying the energy needs for steam traps is not a simple process. That is why you need to rely on a professional auditor to review your traps and create a report. While energy can be lost through the device, you have to consider the load as well. Knowing what you are working with can assist you in increasing your bottom line and improving your overall operational efficiency.