Local patients may face tooth loss due to unavoidable circumstances. When this occurs, it hinders their self confidence and presents them with major issues. The loss of the front teeth leads to an inability to pronounce words correctly. This presents them with difficult speech and may also affect how they chew their food. A Dental Restoration Clinic presents a variety of methods to correct these conditions.
Acquiring Dentures and Removable Bridges for Replacement
Dentures and removable bridges are a viable method of replacing the teeth. To acquire them the dentist needs a mold of the patient’s gums or surrounding teeth. This allows the dentist to construct dentures or a bridge to replace the missing teeth. These options are secured with adhesives. The ridges of the gums help to provide a more secure fit for the patient.
The Installation of Permanent Bridges
A permanent bridge is constructed in the same manner as removable options. However, the dentist installs these products permanently. They install a crown at the end of each bridge. This secures the bridge into the mouth. The teeth are grounded into cone shapes for a better fit for the crowns.
The midsection of the bridge is bonded to the gum line. This prevents the bridge from slipping or falling out of the mouth. The teeth are constructed of porcelain in most cases. Since they are permanent, they provide a more secure option for the patient.
The Dental Implant Process
Dental implants require a more complex procedure to install. The dentist must first install a titanium root into the tooth socket. It is secured into the jawbone. The gums must heal after this process for up to six weeks. Next, the dentist installs the implant tooth by connecting it to the root with an abutment.
Local patients that have suffered significant tooth loss need a real solution to replace their teeth. A dentist helps these patients determine what option is most effective for them. These devices include dentures, bridges, and dental implants. The dentist reviews the patient’s insurance options to find the best solution. Patients who need an appointment with a Dental Restoration Clinic should contact Lewis Family Dentistry or their Facebook page for more information today.