When you undergo Zoom teeth whitening in New York your dentist will be using a process that is used worldwide to whiten teeth that have become stained due to drinking coffee, tea, red wine, cola drinks or from smoking cigarettes. Although staining is often the result of drinking and smoking, age is also a factor. The Zoom process consists of a hydrogen peroxide solution that is applied to the teeth, the whitening action is accelerated through the use of a laser light. As the chemical is broken down, oxygen permeates the tooth enamel into the dentin, bleaching the stains without any effect on the tooth structure.
Teeth whitening is not for everyone, before deciding to go ahead with the treatment it is necessary that you have your cosmetic dentist examine your teeth for suitability. The dentist will also discuss the benefits of the zoom process and bring to your attention any changes in lifestyle to ensure long lasting benefits.
The Zoom teeth whitening procedure:
Once the dentist has completed his or her evaluation and you have agreed to the procedure, the dentist will first clean your teeth professionally. The actual teeth whitening process takes less than an hour from start to finish. Once the dentist has prepared a cover for your gums and lips the hydrogen peroxide solution will be applied, this gel, in conjunction with the Zoom laser light penetrates through the tooth enamel, breaking down the discoloration in the dentin. For the 15 minutes that the light is used on the gel you can simply sit back and relax.
Zoom teeth whitening in New York takes three treatments, each lasting 15 minutes. All three treatments can be done at once or spread over two or three appointments.
During the teeth whitening procedure you may feel some slight discomfort; this is usually a result of heat from the light. Any discomfort or minor tingling always disappears shortly after the procedure has been completed.
Part of the Zoom process is a home-care kit that includes the gel and a whitening tray. Your cosmetic dentist will instruct you on how and when to touch up your teeth.
To maximize on the benefits of teeth whitening it is advisable to avoid certain food and drinks, or at least consume them in moderation. Maintain your normal dental hygiene routine, brushing and flossing as normal.
Zoom teeth whitening in New York is one of the many cosmetic dental treatments that are available from Dr. Shekib. In less than one hour you will see a dramatic change in the color of your teeth, often up to eight shades whiter.