Cosmetic surgery is expensive, painful, time-consuming, and risky. Procedures can cost well over ten or twenty thousand dollars, require a couple months of recovery time, and are subject to the numerous complications of invasive surgery. To some people the risk, pain, and a cost is well worth it and, if they can afford it, great. Then there is the majority of the population that can’t afford it, can’t spend two months recovering, and don’t like the idea of surgery. Injecting chemicals into the skin can be less expensive, but complications include infection, nerve damage, and uneven results.
Anti-aging creams and makeup formulas can mask wrinkles and hide the appearance of lines, but they can get expensive and produce less than ideal results. There is a Non-Surgical Facelift in Suffolk County NY that can strengthen the collagen already found in the body. Collagen is a natural protein that keeps skin smooth and firm. Excess weight, lack of exercise, overexposure to the sun, and age weaken collagen and cause skin to sag and become loose. Ultherapy utilizes targeted ultrasound waves to strengthen the collagen and tone the skin from the inside out. The thermal effects of the procedure firm the skin and makes people look younger. Treatments last for a hour or two at a time, and results are noticed after the first two treatments. Full results are seen between three an hour six months after the completion of treatments. The results can last up to two years depending on the lifestyle and age of the patient, skincare routines, and the use of sunscreen.
This Non-Surgical Facelift in Suffolk County NY works well for the face, neck, chest, and eyebrow areas. A free consultation gets the process started. A certified technician will assess the areas of concern, discuss the needs and desired results of the patient, and develop a personalized treatment plan. New software has drastically reduced the discomfort of the procedure, and other side effects are minimal and temporary. There may be some redness, swelling, or tingling sensation. Patients can resume regular activities immediately following treatments. Click here to find out more information regarding costs and to set up that initial consultation.