Bad choices can cost you a lot. When you look for an auto repair team in Plano, TX, here are a few mistakes you’ll want to keep in mind.
Lack of research
That list of service shops won’t just fall at your feet. You’ll need to work hard to put that list together. Look online or reach out to family and friends. Both of those channels should generate enough leads to point you in the right direction.
Zero questions
Before you pick an auto repair facility in Plano, TX, be sure to ask several questions. How does their pricing work? Are you getting a written estimate? Do they have any experience working on the same make and model? The answers you’ll get to these questions will determine your hiring decisions to a huge extent.
Skipping the reviews and ratings
Reviews and ratings are handy ways to dig deeper into the company’s background, its team, and its services. If you skip the reviews and ratings, though, you could miss out on a few essential details. For instance, the shop may be a sound choice, given its decades-long experience in the industry. But if some of its mechanics have bad reputations, then that’s a bit of a concern. You’ll want to spare yourself the hassle and stress by taking your business elsewhere.
Not reading the warranty
It’s a mistake to deal with a repair facility without knowing what their warranty terms and conditions are. Be sure to read through everything. That way, you’ll know what services you’re entitled to and if the shop is violating any terms covered under the agreement, Love to Know says.
Not checking for promos
You could take advantage of promo deals and discounts for new parts or repair services online. Be on the lookout for them before you pick a service shop.