Month: April 2016

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When To Use A Common Mode Choke

When To Use A Common Mode Choke

In any type of use in electronics, a choke refers to an inductor that is used to allow direct current to pass through the choke while blocking the alternating current or AC. This is done by a series of coils of magnetic wire over a magnetic core, but some can also be...

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What Is Periodontal Disease and Are You at Risk?

You may be wondering what a periodontal disease is, and if you are at risk. The answer is complicated unless you visit with a dentist who can explain just exactly what a periodontal disease is and how to prevent them. In fact, while you can read about the periodontal...

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How to Avoid Working Over the SSA Limit

Did you know that you can work and still get Social Security Disability benefits? If you are receiving disability from Social Security, there are special rules that allow you to continue to work or start working while still acquiring monthly payments. However, SSA...

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