The Benefits of Using a Flatbed Towing Truck

by | May 12, 2016 | Towing Service

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At one time or another, a car owner will have to deal with repair issues. In some cases, these issues will lead to the car being rendered immobile. When broken down on the side of the road, a car owner should only be concerned with getting their car towed. Finding the right wrecker service is a lot easier said than done. One of the main considerations a car owner needs to make when choosing a wrecker service is what type of truck they will use to transport the disabled vehicle. Here are some of the benefits that come with using a wrecker service that has a flatbed tow truck.

Less Damage to the Vehicle
Most of the tradition tow trucks out there will pull a broken down car with its front wheels off of the ground. This type of tow method can lead to some additional damage, especially if the truck has to go down bumpy roads. Rather than risking this type of damage, a car owner can use a service that has a flatbed tow truck. The flatbed will transport the vehicle with all four wheels secured to the platform. This means that none of the tires on the vehicle will have to touch the ground during transport.

It is Much Faster
There are a number of tow services out there that will use a wheel lift to transport. In order to reduce damage to the transmission during this type of Towing, the driveshaft will have to be removed. This can take a lot of time, which can lead to a lot of frustration on the behalf of the car owner. Instead of dealing with this stress, a car owner will come out much better by finding a service that has a flatbed truck.

Taking the time to find the right Towing company is important when trying to get a broken-down car in the shop for repairs. The team at will be able to get a car towed safely due to the tools they have to use and their high level of experience. Call them to find out what they can offer.

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