Signs You Need Mercedes Transmission Repair

by | Dec 12, 2016 | Autos Repair

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Your transmission is one of the most important parts of your car. As the name implies, your transmission transmits power from your engine to your drivetrain. Whether you have an automatic transmission or a manual transmission, the amount of stress your transmission is under can eventually result in problems. You should ensure that your automobile has a good supply of clean transmission fluid. In an automatic transmission, the fluid sits in a reservoir under the hood. If the fluid looks low or looks to be dirty, you need to seek out professional Mercedes transmission repair. In a manual transmission, the fluid level does not fluctuate as easily. Here are some more signs you need repair to your transmission.

Lagging Shifts

This is an especially big consideration for anyone with an automatic transmission. If you step on the gas pedal and your car lags before shifting gears, you could have a serious issue. If the shift is very slow or very uneven, then you might have a small problem like dirty transmission fluid. You might also have a more serious issue. Professionals such as those at can determine what the problem could be.

Rough Shifts

A rough shift is something that is easier to determine if you have been driving your car for a while. If your car normally shifts very easily, a rough shift will be a noticeable departure from the way your vehicle normally drives. A rough shift could be a sign that you need Mercedes transmission repair. Rough shifting is often the result of dirty transmission fluid. It can also be a sign of gears that are no longer aligned properly. If your gears are not aligned properly, they can grind on each other whenever they try to shift. Typically, misaligned gears will also be accompanied by the sound of gears grinding during a rough shift. You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!

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