Going Clean and Green in the Office

by | May 10, 2016 | Cleaning Services

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If you pay attention to government studies, you already know that there are toxins and chemicals lingering around the workplace. Many of the products that are used for cleaning can be hazardous to your health. They are likely to cause cancer and other serious health problems. Using the wrong cleaning substances and materials can be poisonous and even deadly. You may be keeping it clean and green at home but is your office doing the same? Here are some ways you can take your office in that direction.

Hire a Cleaning Company

One of the first things you should do is to hire a cleaning company that values your health as well as open relationships. Make sure that the cleaning company you hire uses only environmentally safe and sound products and understands the importance of using green cleaning techniques. You will want to find a cleaning service that will help you to go green and will help you to become a LEED-certified building. Make sure you go with a LEED-certified cleaner yourself. They will know the best practices to keeping your office green.

Cleaning Products

It is very important to take a look at the contents of any cleaning product that you purchase for your office. 30% of common cleaning products have harmful chemicals and toxins in them. Be careful as to what you purchase and what your cleaning company uses to clean your office. You want to keep all of your co-workers safe by using only green cleaning products.

If you are looking for commercial cleaning services in San Jose who provide these types of services, then Maintenance Systems Management, Inc. is the one to go with. You want to find a cleaning company that feels as strongly as you do about keeping your office as safe and healthy as possible.

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